
How to Promote in 2018

How to promote your business in 2018

You have a business or opportunity and you need to get eyeballs on it. The first thing you may be thinking is ” Ok I need to blast this all over the place.”

Well you may want to listen to what I have to say there is a big difference between blasting something and promoting, it trust me it all starts with your mind frame.

If I asked an average entrepreneur why they are promoting 90% would say ” to get my business out there? Nothing wrong with that answer but just slapping something on social media is not promoting. So if I got your brain thinking that’s good “young jedi” Now let refocus the reason you promote anything, it is not just to be seen you want to give people the opportunity to choose. That’s right giving a person an opportunity to choose is far different than just putting your business out there. You have to remember you are not the only one that promotes, so you have to put something out there that will make your audience curious. You to separate your business from the competition. Prospects react when something makes them curios. When you promote use a headline that attracts people to check out your business with a curious mind. This is how I separate myself from my competition. If you can do this you will promote your product, service , or opportunity more effectively. Trust me its a big difference, watch the video for more of a breakdown as I explain this in my facebook live feed. Be sure to comment on this blog and leave your thoughts I would like to know how do you promote what is your mindset when you promote comment below.

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