
how to make 100k a year online

6 figure tips for your Home business

Learn to Use Technology

Technology can either work for you or replace you. When you have a business learn to use systems that will present and sell for you this way you won’t lose potential people due to you being unavailable.

To see the system I recommend click below

Only Work On Money Producing Activities

This is super important because marketers who say that they want success and want to earn a six-figure income or become a millionaire don’t realize that it takes a serious discipline and large amount of focus to build a profitable business.

Case example, my partner has a full-time job and what happens is his attitude and focus is so driven that when he arrives home the first thing he does is gets on the computer to work his business till he goes to bed at midnight.  That is how focused he is and he doesn’t like to be distracted by anything home related because business is important and he is responsible for all of the business functions behind the scenes.

Normally if someone has a full-time job then would come home and create extra tasks for themselves that wastes so much time that when it’s time to go the bed they are like OH NO! I forgot to work my business oh well I will do some work on the business tomorrow.

We have  been there and done that so be sure to treat your business like a six figure income generating business and you will see the results come.

Participate and Work With Your Team Downline

Some marketers who get started in their MLM tend to forget that this business is an industry where we all work together not alone.  This is a business where teamwork makes the dream work!  Stop trying to build this business all by yourself your only stressing yourself out and your not learning what true leadership is about.

How can you call yourself a leader if you have no one to lead?

How can you call yourself a leader if you’re not spending time learning new skills to improve your mindset?

How can you expect to reach your goals if your not helping enough people in your team get to their own goals?

How can you say your a leader if you haven’t even been recognized in the leader boards of your company leadership hall of fame?

These are questions you must answer yourself to determine your game plan for reaching those sales goals your company laid out for you to reach as a leader.

Remember this rule of thumb, people join people who offer value and not join companies or products.

Schedule and Use A Planner for Appointments

google calendar

This is a very important tip you must do in order to be organized and effective with the time you spend with people and in your business.  Always use a planner and mark all appointments, webinar any training’s, weekly calls, presentations, events and conferences, follow-ups etc.

You can use Google Calendar and sync it with your iPhone or Android easily.  This is a learned success ritual, to be honest before I started using my Google Calendar and hiring a virtual assistant to handle my appointment requests I used to be all over the place with post-it notes on my monitor, desk, file cabinet, and even windows.  This affected my productivity in my business and it stressed me out while working from home.

Now whenever I get a request for an appointment I immediately go to my Google Calendar and enter all the details of my meetings and include any questions or notes I have with my client. Be sure to spend no more than 10-15 minutes with people so they don’t take advantage of your time, unless your coaching or working with a client and they know you are giving them 30 minutes of your attention.

Celebrate Success

Yes! I learned that we as leaders must celebrate success and the success of your team members efforts.  If you are hosting a conference call with your team and there are some members there that you know that have been killing it in the past 30 days then you as a leader should recognize them and give a quick shout out their name to appreciate their hard work.

We used to have director dinners and BBQ’s for our last network marketing company and we would have a blast hanging out with the people in our team. You can get as creative as you want so just make sure to give recognition to your team they will appreciate you for it.

Learn, Do and Teach

People will do what you do therefore if you are learning, taking action and then teaching what you are learning to your team they will duplicate what you do to their own team and so on.  Never hold information if it is valuable and can help another person succeed because you never know how powerful and life changing that information you are withholding can benefit the growth of your entire business.

Earn Six Figures| Final Thoughts

This business industry is not really all that hard it is just different compared to what your used to doing as an employee working for someone else.  If you had got any value from today’s post I like to hear from you and your experience with growing your MLM to your first six figure income because everyone has a great story.  Leave a comment below and we look forward to reading your comments!

Till next time keep rocking your business!