

 You probably want to see some of my work.

 That’s cool, but sit tight; let’s break the ice a little and I will tell you a little about myself.

I was lucky enough to convince this beautiful woman to spend her life with me.  Meet my beautiful wife Sabrina

This was the day I knew I had a partner for life June 11th 2004

Meet Our Son Melvin Crawley III this little guy is amazing and keeps me on my toes, He is learning a lot and wants to be an entrepreneur.


What my life looks like these days…


Click the bars below to reveal some information about me that you need to know.

I’m a consultant, internet marketer, product developer, business owner and branding specialist ,I own a restaurant, funeral home, commercial lending company , video marketing company, credit Restoration company and a streaming media company and I work with network marketers and business owners. Im a seasoned network marketer that has build teams well over 15,000 affiliates. As you can see I believe that building multiple streams of income is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessity 
I have a ton of experience in every area of business known to mankind.  I mostly consult as a hired gun for startups in trouble, who need a superhero to help turn train wreck projects around. I can literally help anyone grow their business as long as they are willing to do what it takes.
Today’s world is different than the one of 50 years ago. No longer can Americans depend on corporate jobs to secure their future.The unemployment problem is just growing which is why this is the perfect time to weigh traditional corporate jobs vs. Business Ownership.With technology and global competition, we’ve seen job reductions happening at the fastest rate ever. How many vacant building are there in your city these days? Don’t let too much time pass thinking too hard about “traditional corporate jobs vs. business ownership” – get into a home business opportunity and change your future. I have so many friends that are unemployed and remained that way for too long. People get laid off from corporate America for a number of reasons. The one that bothers me the most is when companies hire overseas worker for a mere fraction of the wage that someone earned here. Good for the company, bad for our economy. If you want to be rich, don’t get a job, don’t save money: learn to use money and be an entrepreneur.” Don’t wait until you get laid off to do something about your future! Start now!
Like so many people, I was not where I wanted to be early in my life I was in the Rat Race and losing. I have been there I know how you feel I took action to make a better life. You can do the same and that’s where I can help

If You’re Sick Of The Rat Race And Lack Of Freedom In Your Life…

I’ve been there and I Know How You Feel!!

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  • You’re sick of your regular working week
  • You have more month than money left at the end of every pay check
  • You have no spare cash or freedom to do the nice things in life
  • You’re looking for a way to secure your financial future…to leave a legacy
  • You want to live life on your own terms

I leaned how to make A Huge income every month online in my spare time I have taught others how to do this.


If You made a Huge income every month in your spare time could that change your life.

Think about it!

If you had extra income per month coming in
on autopilot (outside of what you already earn on your job)….

….that will probably take care of one or two of
your monthly payments for things like your cable
bill, cell phone, car insurance, etc., right?

Add it up. See if I’m right.

Most people could totally avoid bankruptcy or
foreclosure on their home had they had just an
extra $500 per month coming in – that’s what
financial advisers say. Most people who start with me grow from $500  to $5,000

Imagine just waking up and knowing that once
a month an extra $5000 in your bank account that
wasn’t there 30 days prior.

That’s an awesome milestone.

I LOVE those kinds of goals.

It’s not about Ferraris.
It’s not about buying Rolexes.
It’s not about yachts.

Those things are great….

…but a lot of those things are just too far away
for people to get excited about.

You know?

But, I think the average person can EASILY
get their head around the picture of what
their life would look like….

….if they just had a bunch of new $100 bills in their wallet
every 30 days.

So that’s been my mission ever since I started working from home.

I want to get my people  to
a $5000/month income as FAST as possible.

Because, when you’ve got a brand new
business you started and
it’s producing a cool $5,000 every month….

  1. Now you’re running a income producing business.
  2. You’ve reduced your stress level.
  3. You’re paying bills that may have been
    hard to pay before you partnered with me.
  4. It’s VINDICATION for all the times
    you were told you wouldn’t succeed.
  5. And then you have your own belief and
    self-motivation to keep going.

When you’ve got that….you can go very quickly from
$$5000 to $10,000 per month….

….to $2,000 per day….

…to $7,000 per day….

…and more.

(I’ll show you the same blueprint I used to do this when I first started working from home)



What qualifies me to help you?


Here is what most people don’t know……I have failed miserably before. When I first started in network marketing and trying to run a business I made $245 in 4 months ouch!

I did not know how to attract people to me to spend money, I did not know how to grow a business I did not know how to start?

I had to invest time and I had to have a plan. It started with my mentality, and then with me beefing up my skill set.

You can’t learn anything from a person who has never failed, why because if a person has never been in trouble how can they teach you how to get out?

This is where my expertise can be your asset….I have help people take their business from failure to six figure success.

You are in the right place at the right time!


Attraction Marketing- getting people to come to you or buy from you with out you doing a thing

It does not matter if you are in an MLM or selling products online such as t-shirt, or if you are a affiliate marketer bottom line you need eyeballs on your business to succeed.

These are two of my clients we were able to triple the amount of customers for their business with out being intrusive as a matter of fact most of their customers called with credit card in hand ready to buy. I taught them that people don’t want to be sold they want to be shown how to buy. This method can be very effective and it is something I have taught for years.

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Using my methods I made $1,200 in one hour with an affiliate program…My results speak for themselves. I’m not special anyone can make money online, but not everyone is committed to putting in the work. I don’t share this with you to brag…..I share this with you as a small possibility of what can be achieved? I’m not a millionaire but I am a person who took $20 and turned it in to $250,000. I know how to grow money…growing money and making money is very different. You already know how to make money get a job, sell a product or service. That is not why you are here. You want to grow money that means whether you work or don’t work your money is growing for you. That’s what I learned and as long as there is internet. You have an income stream that can grow for you. This is what I can teach you to do, if you put in the work. This is what I learned, this  how I earn 6 figures.

Whether I work or not residual income continues to come in every day, every month, and ever year.

Do you want to build a business from the ground up? I can show you how…..One of the business I was able to build with my father was a funeral home I can show you how to service the needs of the people around you. To run a business that always stays relevant.


I help local businesses attract more engaging buyers who want more of your product or service because it fits their needs and lifestyle. Maybe you own a restaurant and you don’t have enough customers. No problem I own a restaurant as well and we stay flooded with customers. We have so many customers coming in, I could not stop them even if i was crazy enough to try. That’s the type of business you want.


How I made a small fortune online and how you can too.

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